Innovating for Diversity

Disrupting for disability

Here at Xtrable, we innovate to change the route to meaningful employment for disabled and neurodiverse people. We know how to level the playing field, and we know how to remove the barriers, so that is precisely what we are doing

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Special education needs (SEN) and the route to employment

We know first-hand the extraordinary work achieved within Special Education Needs schools and colleges.

We also know just how capable and employable many students who flow through this educational pathway are; regardless of qualifications gained.

Sadly, we also know how misunderstood this is by the broader population, resulting in very few people who leave SEN colleges moving into paid, meaningful work.

We are going to change this status quo through innovation, marketing, and great partnerships with forward-thinking companies.

Levelling the playing field

We work with incredible students and alumni of Special Education schools who have so much to offer businesses and the economy; their contribution is clear and obvious when given the opportunity.

The reality is many disabled people must work much harder to find work and then much harder to retain it; it is also common for disabled people to hide or mask difficulties to not rock the boat or draw attention.

We envisage a world where if a disabled or neurodiverse person needs support to fulfil their role successfully, then this support will be proactively in place for them as soon as they start… no ifs, no buts, no charity, no endless forms and no more hoops to jump through.

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Illustration of risk meter with man hanging

Risks, compliance, and diversity & inclusion

Risks do not have to be real to cause friction and barriers.

Many of the risks of hiring disabled are simply perceived risks with no real substance or data backing them up; for the most part, these incorrectly assumed risks are simply a result of disability not being normalised yet within the general workforce.

Some risks however are real, when hiring disabled or neurodiverse people it is possible for companies to not adequately adjust or even spot that they are not doing enough to support their staff.

We de-risk the hiring of disabled staff by thoroughly and proactively supporting them and the businesses where they work.

Through regular training and support, coupled with our advanced AI technologies; hiring disabled and neurodiverse people will hold no more risk than hiring any able, neurotypical person. 

